Royersford Farmers Market Committee Members

In February 2022, we began with a literal blank page and asked ourselves: What is our vision and dream for Royersford? How can we make our Farmers Market fit the needs and wants of our community? This would not be possible without the hours of work, abundance of heart, and love of the mission from every individual of our inaugural market.
Stephanie Julie
Marie Kelly
Maddy Nicole
Ryan Anil
Alyssa Alex
Melissa Emily
Ashley Walt
Jenna Lauren
Linda Maria
Debbie Shannan
Amy Carrie

In order to run smoothly on market days, we need you!
Shift times are ONE hour increments, or longer if you'd like to stay. We want to honor your time.
Greeter- Welcome guests and vendors throughout the market as they enter and exit. Want to walk around mid-market? This job also helps crowd control at the barriers to help traffic move smoothly.
Traffic Control- Assist cars in parking, safe entrance/exit to the market. Many shifts available if you can't stay the whole time! Volunteers must wear vests (provided for you) for safety.
Set Up Team- Set up traffic cones, place 5 signs, and 3 barriers in their designated areas for a smooth start to the day. We also have 3 trash cans in need of setting up.
Clean Up/Reset Team- Return all market items to their original storage area to reset for the following week.
If you cannot make your assigned volunteer date, please find a replacement or contact us asap to ensure someone is in your spot.
Thank you!
-Lauren Krauss