2025 Vendor Application

Royersford Farmers Market 2024 Vendor Application

Dear Prospective Vendor:


Thank you for your interest in the Royersford Farmers Market (RFM).

Who Qualifies? The Royersford Farmers Market welcomes vendors who grow, produce or process the items they have for sale. Items for sale must be personally consumable–either ingested or applied. This includes food, beverages, and skin products (e.g. soaps and creams). Plants, flowers, compost, and other grown or derived products associated with growing may also be sold. Pottery, crafts, clothing items, or similar non-consumables will be considered based on available space. Products offered for sale must also comply with all federal, state, and local laws and ordinances, and special permits may be required.

Acceptance: RFM is not required to accept the application of a vendor even if they qualify. Nor is RFM required to justify its decision, which is based on a variety of factors, including space available, the balance of vendors, the range of products, and the experience of the vendor.

Our Market and Community: RFM provides a venue for farmers and other vendors to bring fresh, nutritious, high-quality food grown or produced in the region. Royersford is an active and welcoming community with more than 2,000 households within easy walking distance of the market. RFM creates a friendly central setting where vendors develop strong relationships with residents who desire more local, sustainably produced foods. In addition, participation in RFM gives farmers and other vendors a unique opportunity to make positive connections with businesses in our area.

Operations: We operate from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday from May 3rd through November 1st. There will also be one Saturday market day that may be impacted due to paving and striping the parking lot.

Application Process: Please review the RFM Rules and Regulations to make sure you qualify and can abide by our Rules, Procedures & Product Guidelines. Complete the 2025 Market Application (included in this document or available on our website) and sign the Market Agreement. Send the completed and signed application to Royersford Farmers Market, PO Box 458, Royersford, PA 19468. Completed applications must be received by February 7, 2025.

If you have any questions regarding the vendor application process please email Royersfordfarmersmarket@gmail.com. The emails will usually get quicker responses than phone messages, but in either case, allow a few days for a reply. We look forward to working with you this season!


Warmest regards,

Royersford Farmers Market Committee


This application helps us learn more about you and your growing/production practices in addition to helping you understand what is important to us as market organizers and consumers. If you are attaching documents with the information we need, abbreviate your explanation and insert “see attached for more detail.”

You will need to provide copies of applicable permits, as we are required to have these at our information booth on market days.

Applications are due by February 7, 2025. We will make our decisions for the season by February 21, 2025 Please use the following checklist to make sure your application is complete.

*We will not require any supporting documents until the vendor application has been approved.

Royersford Farmers Market Vendor Application

The market will run each Saturday, May 4 to November 2 from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
Please note that we will not be holding the market on Saturday, September 14, 2024, for Royersford Community Day. There will also be one Saturday market day that may be impacted due to paving and striping the parking lot. Advance notice will be given to vendors via their email addresses on file.

Website and Social Media Handles (if applicable)

Please direct all questions to: royersfordfarmersmarket@gmail.com
All signed applications can be emailed to Royersfordfarmersmarket@gmail.com or mailed to:
Royersford Farmers Market
PO Box 458
Royersford, PA 19468


Application Timeline and Deadlines for 2024:

Friday, February 16 - Application, and a signed copy of Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

Friday, March 1 (or sooner) - Acceptance emails will be sent out to all applicants.

Friday, March 29 - Vendor registration fees, copies of all applicable licenses, liability documents, and all other required documents must be postmarked by this due date unless your business is exempt.

Special Exceptions
There will be no market on Saturday, September 14, 2024, on Royersford Community Day
* One Saturday the market may be impacted due to paving and striping the parking lot. Advance notice will be given to vendors via their email addresses on file.

Upon acceptance, vendor registration fees must be paid in full on or before Friday, March 29, 2024. Checks or money orders must be postmarked by this date and mailed to:
Royersford Farmers Market
P.O. Box 458
Royersford, PA 19468

Please make checks or money orders payable to Royersford Farmers Market with “Farmers Market Vendor Registration” in the memo line.

Please include a signed copy of the Policies, Procedures, and Regulations (received upon acceptance) with registration fees. Please note registration fees are non-refundable.

Thank you for your application! 

See Policies, Procedures, and Regulations Below

Royersford Farmers Market

Vendor Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

Operating Organization: Royersford Farmers Market Committee

Market Manager:
The Market Manager:
- Ashley Baskin

Correspondence - Please direct all questions to:
Email: royersfordfarmersmarket@gmail.com (preferred contact)
Call: (484) 984-3091


Market Details:
2nd Avenue and Arch Street Parking Lot across the street from Victory Park
Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (26 weeks, weekly market)
First Day: Saturday, May 3, 2025 (This will also be Opening Day for Victory Park)

Last Day: Saturday, November 1, 2025,

Special Exceptions
There will be no market on Saturday, September 6, 2025, on Royersford Community Day
* One Saturday the market may be impacted due to paving and striping the parking lot. Advance notice will be given to vendors via their email addresses on file.

Application Timeline and Deadlines for 2025:

Friday, February 7, 2025 - Application, and a signed copy of Policies, Procedures, and Regulations

Friday, February 21 (or sooner) - Acceptance emails will be sent to all applicants.

Friday, March 21 - Vendor registration fees, copies of all applicable licenses, liability documents, and all other required documents must be postmarked by this due date unless your business is exempt.


$350 Full Season - 26-week, weekly
$200 Half Season - 13-week, bi-weekly
$200 Half Season - 13-week, May 3 - Aug. 2 OR August 9 - Nov. 1
$100 Once a Month Vendor
$40 Guest/Pop-Up Vendor - 1-time attendance
*Electric hookup is not available at the market.

Vendor registration fees must be paid in full on or before Friday, March 21, 2025.

Checks or money orders may be sent to:
Royersford Farmers Market
P.O. Box 458
Royersford, PA 19468

Please make checks or money orders payable to Royersford Farmers Market with “Farmers Market Vendor Registration” in the memo line.

Please include a signed copy of these Policies, Procedures, and Regulations (received upon acceptance) with registration fees and copies of any applicable liability policies. (A scanned copy of these documents may also be emailed to royersfordfarmersmarket@gmail.com)

The Royersford Farmers Market Committee reserves the right to withdraw your acceptance for the season if fees are not paid on time. The registration fees are non-refundable.

Vendors who are accepted for a season, have paid, and submitted all paperwork will be asked to attend a 30-minute introductory “Zoom ” meeting to discuss these Policies, Procedures, and Regulations (or have a brief, one-on-one conversation with a Market Manager).

Should a vendor join the market after the official season has begun, registration fees will be prorated based on the remaining time in the season.

Vendors will be allowed to begin setting up by 8:15 am the day of the market. All vendors are asked to be finished with the setup of their space at 9:45 am. Each vendor will receive one predetermined 10 x 10-foot space. If vendors require more than one space there will be an additional fee of $175 per extra 10 x 10-foot space. The additional fee covers the extra space for the entire Market season. The vendor shall note the extra space needed on the application and must pay the appropriate fee by the registration fee deadline (see above). The Market Manager(s), or any authorized representative of the committee, shall have the right to ask any vendor who is taking up extra space without permission to remove any supplies in said space.

Cancellation Policy:

We ask that if a vendor needs to cancel, please do so no later than the Wednesday before the market that they are attending. There will be a $25 charge if a vendor arrives after the 9:45 a.m. set-up time or if the vendor does not attend a market without proper notice. One warning will be given, after that the vendor will be charged $25 each time they are late or no show. If a vendor has multiple cancellations or no-shows this may prompt the Farmers Market Committee to suspend a vendor’s participation in the Market without a refund. There will be a wait list of pop-up vendors for each week.

Vendors are required to carry product liability and general liability policies as more fully described herein and must turn in a copy of their policies with this Vendor Application. Vendors waive all rights or claims against the Borough of Royersford and the Royersford Farmers Market together with their agents, officers, directors, volunteers, and employees. They shall indemnify such parties for any loss or claims arising from the vendor’s participation in the Royersford Farmers Market. All vendors must obtain a minimum of $1 million general liability insurance. Vendors must obtain a minimum of $500,000 product and premises liability insurance and general liability insurance. All Vendors’ insurance must name the Borough of Royersford and the Royersford Farmers Market as “additional insureds,” and vendors must provide certificates evidencing the same to the Borough before vending.

Qualifying Vendors and Products:

  1. Authorized vendors are those applicants who properly applied for vendor status, have been accepted as vendors, provided all appropriate insurance and liability certificates, a signed copy of these rules and regulations, and paid their fees by the advertised deadlines.
  2. Vendors may sell raw fruits, vegetables, meats, eggs, dairy products, live plants, cut flowers, honey, beeswax, and similar agricultural products.
  3. Vendors may also sell baked goods, jams, cheeses, smoked meats, grilled foods, soaps, beverages, and other prepared or “value-added” products.
  4. Vendors and producers must have appropriate inspections, licenses, and permits.
  5. All products displayed by vendors shall be of the highest quality and freshness. Vendors must withdraw from displaying any product that fails to meet this high standard.
  6. The Royersford Farmers Market is a “producer-only” market. Vendors may only sell what they produce.
  7. A vendor may request to bring the product to the market if it is clearly labeled where the product was grown or produced.
  8. Should the product become available to be grown or produced within the specified area by a different vendor, that vendor shall receive the right to sell it first. Communication about this will be prompted by the Market Manager(s).


Product Acceptance:
The Royersford Farmers Market reserves the right to approve, refuse, and limit any products to be sold at the Market. Vendors must provide a comprehensive list of all products they intend to sell at the time of application. Vendors must request approval from the Market Manager(s) before adding or changing products to be sold at the Market. Vendors will be prohibited from reselling items that have been purchased at produce auctions.


Choice of Vendors:
The choice of specific vendors will be made at the discretion of the Royersford Farmers Market Committee and will be made to create a balance of vendors and products. Please note: no vendor is entitled to exclusivity; more than one vendor may be permitted to sell a given product. Vendors must re-apply for each new year’s market.

Regulatory Compliance:
Vendors must comply with any local, state, and federal laws and regulations that apply to their business. Those regulations include, without limitation, the following:

  1. Health code provisions and licensing
  2. Pesticide licensing and regulations 
  3. Scales approved by the area weights and measures officer
  4. Organic certification for products claimed to be organic
  5. Health, ingredient, and other labeling regulations
  6. Any other applicable law and regulation

Responsibility for compliance lies with the vendor and the RFM is not responsible for informing vendors of all applicable laws or ensuring compliance with same.


Operation of Vendor Stands:

  1. Vendors must ensure that their stands, tents, and tables are safe for the shopping public.
  2. Vendors must provide their tents and tables and must anchor them sufficiently with weights so that they will remain safe and secure in windy conditions. Tents and tables are required at the Market.
  3. Set up begins promptly at 8:15 a.m. and must be completed by 9:45 a.m. For those with larger set-ups, an earlier set-up time may be arranged. (Please communicate with the Market Manager(s) before the start of the market as outlined above.)
  4. It is expected that vendors will be in attendance for all scheduled Market days. Vendors may not arrive late and may not begin break-down before 1:00 p.m.. As it is anticipated that the Market will be a high-traffic area for pedestrians, these rules will be strictly enforced for the safety of all patrons and vendors.
  5. Vendors or customers may not smoke or “vape” within the limits of the Market.
  6. Vendors may not promote any political organizations or affiliations in the Market.
  7. Parking is provided for all market vendors.
  8. Each vendor must post a sign or placard in their stall that identifies them and the location of their farm or place of business.
  9. Vendors must display prices for all products being offered for sale.
  10. Vendors may not run generators during market hours without prior approval.
  11. Vendors must remove the trash, sweep, or otherwise clean the ground in and around their stalls, and leave the Market location in a clean and orderly condition. Any refusal from a vendor’s market activities shall be removed from the market by the vendor.
  12. Vendors should exercise caution in parking vehicles and when unloading, reloading, and leaving.


Vendors will be assigned pre-determined spaces, as indicated above, each week (unless they have requested additional space in advance). Vendors will be assigned to approximately the same positions from week to week, but circumstances may require changes in vendor locations at the discretion of the Royersford Farmers Market Committee.


The Royersford Farmers Market is a “rain or shine” Market and therefore, the weather does not constitute an emergency absence. In the event of dangerous forecast weather, the Market, through the Market Manager(s), will notify all vendors of abbreviated market hours or cancellations via the email address filed with the vendors’ application.


Non-Discrimination and Conduct:
Vendors may not discriminate - including, but not limited to - based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, handicap, or disability. This also includes a prohibition of any harassment, including sexual harassment.


Amendment and Incorporation: These Policies, Procedures, and Regulations may be amended at any time by the Royersford Farmers Market Committee. Notice of changes will be distributed via the email address filed with the vendors’ application.


Violations and Sanctions:
Vendors who fail to comply with the terms of these rules and regulations may be suspended or disqualified from continued selling at the Market without a refund.

Acceptance of Terms:
By applying to become a vendor and by participating in the Royersford Farmers Market, vendors agree to be bound by these Policies, Procedures, and Regulations.

I have read the Policies, Procedures, and Regulations attached to this application. If accepted, anyone attending the Royersford Farmers Market on my behalf has also read and understands this document. I/we agree to adhere to all policies, procedures, and regulations.


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